Author: Sarah


Newborn vs Toddler (The Unadulterated Truth)

Share Tweet to @mummykindoff Remember that moment, when you had a little baby you loved to pieces? IT WILL ALL CHANGE! Well, not the love, that’s kind of unconditional, but the little baby will certainly change… Here’s what you need to know about the difference between a newborn baby and a toddler. The Newborn (aka the […]

Parenting School and Learning

Raising Bilingual Children

Share Tweet to @mummykindoff It’s no secret to those of you that know us that, ever since Olivia was born, we have been trying to raise her bilingually.   Throughout my pregnancy I was adamant on this (even before I was pregnant I wanted my children to learn other languages and be brought up bilingually […]


Why I’m glad I had my child at 20

Share Tweet to @mummykindoff I fell pregnant with my daughter at the ripe old age of 20, and gave birth to my daughter exactly 1 month before my 21st birthday. Now, there are lots of pros and cons to having your children at certain ages, and the topic is apparently the business of the (predominantly) […]


How to make a Moana face cake…

For Olivia’s birthday, in keeping with her Moana themed party, I had to attempt a Moana cake for her birthday… I always pride myself on making the girls’ birthday cakes myself every year, and no cake is too big a challenge! Here’s how you can do this one from the comfort of your own kitchen! […]

School and Learning

Schooling in the UK and Denmark…

Share Tweet to @mummykindoff This is a topic that has always fascinated me… The UK, for all of its strict, formalised education system, isn’t doing as well as it should be. In fact, the UK’s PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) results demonstrate that we have fallen behind to 26 other countries in Maths, and […]
