
My ups and downs with baby led weaning

I began giving her finger foods like cucumber sticks and avocado wedges to munch on, but every time she coughed I was convinced she was choking. My partner must have been sick of my overreacting, but I didn’t see it as that at the time. There was nothing melodramatic, I really thought she wasn’t breathing when she clearly was.

vegan curry banner image

Vegan Curry Recipe

This vegan curry recipe is a firm favourite in my house. As a mummy who was given a huge kick up the bum by her partner to finally go vegan as I’ve been threatening for years, I thought I would share my favourite recipe for any other undecided people out there. This one is fab, […]

Eco Parenting

Can you breastfeed a baby with tongue tie?

At the clinic we were told that she had an anterior tongue tie. We had been positive it was posterior given that it went unnoticed for so long, but the severity of it was another example of how let down we had been by the health professionals. She could poke her tongue out, yes, but she could neither move her tongue side to side nor up and down. Her movement was that limited.
