Mummykind has a regular team of wonderful mummies with their incredible kids, as well as some other contributors. Other contributors include past team members, who may still write with us from time to time, and other people who have submitted posts for us!
The Mummykind Team

I’m Maria and I prefer not to share my children’s names online so look out for their silly nicknames. I fell pregnant shortly after receiving my Fibromyalgia diagnosis so a lot of things changed for me all at once. I write about a broad range of topics – it all depends what is going on in my life at that moment!
Harriet – mummygoeswhereflogoes

Hello, I’m Harriet! I’m a blogger, mental health, cacti, cats and tea enthusiast. I’m a first time Mummy to a wonderful little girl called Florence. Motherhood was a beautifully unexpected path for me after spending years being told that I might never be able to have a child. Although my little tour guide for this crazy trip around parenthood couldn’t be lovelier if she tried, I’ve had many curveballs thrown at me.
The beauty of this project is that the other amazing Mummies contributing to ‘Mummykind‘, have all had so many different experiences; their own curveballs and their own triumphs- but we’re all here because of our love of writing, parenting and our incredible children! Oh and because we’re all hoping to use our experiences to help some of you with your parenting journeys too! We hope you like what you see and that you’ll enjoy sticking with us as our babies grow! x

Hi, I’m Paige! I’m an artist, musician and collector of chronic illnesses and other medical oddities, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Orthostatic Hypotension, Gastroparesis, Mast Cell activation Syndrome, and ME/CFS, to name a few. Like Maria, I don’t share my daughters’ names online, so check out some of the funky nicknames our household uses instead! I love a bit of diy and am always up for trying the latest ‘household hack’ – stay tuned to see what I find
Marie is a first time mum to a baby girl. She is an actress and drama teacher and an avid writer. We are excited to welcome her into the Mummykind Team and see the fresh ideas she brings to the table!
Other Contributors

Sarah is an award-winning blogger from the South East of England, and mother to two daughters and a step daughter. She recently qualified as a Barrister after years of hard work! She was juggling education, work, and parenting as an army wife with a deployed husband!
Charlie is a creative and crafty mum with 2 children. She is great at thrifty activities and money-saving ideas. She works part time and volunteers around ‘being mum’ and is always trying to strike a good balance
Aimee is mum to a daughter, a son, and a step daughter. She loves cooking and often writes about recipes she has tried with her kids. She is getting ready to have her baby soon and preparing to slot him into her busy life with the girls!
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