They Aren’t Little for Long – 21 Ways to Treasure Lovely Moments
21 ways to appreciate and commemorate the time you spend with your little one as they grow up…
Lately I’ve been left feeling totally alarmed at how quickly time passes. So I thought I’d compile a little list of things that I do regularly to ensure I appreciate every moment of Florence growing up. As a parent you may already do all of these things! You may do even more! But if you’re a new parent or a mummy to be- here are a few ideas of how to treasure the most special time of your life!

The things we tell her…
1. We tell her that we love her at least once every day!
2. I tell her that she’s a miracle every day!
3. Every time I call her beautiful, I make sure to compliment her intelligence or her skills. I want her to know that regardless of how beautiful I think she is- that her intelligence, skills and how she treats others is far more important.
The little things…
4. I try to appreciate ALL of the little things- from the more pleasant things like the extra half an hour in bed for cuddles. To the not so pleasant things like wiping snotty little noses, having an audience when you use the toilet and ‘wrestling match’ style nappy changes… They aren’t little for long and it’s only a matter of time before they won’t need you or want you for these things.
5. I like to let her sit / lean or rest her head on me for as long as she wishes. Even if it makes my limbs go numb!
6. Sometimes I deliberately place both of our lunches on the same plate to encourage her to share. It gives the meal the most lovely ‘picnic vibe’… her sharing with me and trying to feed me makes my heart melt!
7. We like to read her that extra story before leaving her to settle.
Appreciate the moments…
8. I often let my heart burst with pride as I watch her perfect little face as she snores and dreams.
9. We watch discretely from afar as she starts to explore, so we don’t miss a thing, but her confidence can be allowed to soar as she experiments with independence.
10. I honestly, Kiss and cuddle her like it is going out of fashion. Allow her do to the same (even if her kisses are the ‘open mouth – I like to bite my Mummy’s nose’ type!)… You CANNOT spoil a baby with love.
11. Yet, reminding myself to live in the moment and appreciate it and put my phone down for the majority of the time I spend with her.
Make memories…
12. We take as many pictures as we can, even of seemingly everyday or boring things. (Like when she eats a chocolate biscuit and leaves the residue on her cheeky little face!)
13. We capture milestones. We encourage milestones. But we don’t rush them- she won’t be little for long. This time is so precious.
14. I started a list of all the words and phrases she uses. I don’t want to forget the order or the words- I want to remember it all.
15. Capture a little bit everything- firsts, the silly faces, the tantrums, the smiles, the drawings, the messes made and other hilarious little hiccups that come with mummy life. I feel that looking back at this when she’s older, will help her realise that life isn’t all smiles and it’s not always picture perfect- but everything will be okay!
16. We take pictures of Florence and her baby friends babies often- seeing how they change and how quickly they change is beyond magical.
Time Capsule
17. I set up an email address for Florence so that I could send her random emails throughout her childhood- when she’s 18, she’ll gain access to this account and we can go back through and read all of the material that has been sent to her by loved ones over the next 17 years.
18. I try to purchase the occasional item to commemorate Florence. We have personalised items with her name on, cute little prints, personalised clothing with her name or year of birth on- etc. I wish they did more of these when I was born! I think they’re precious!
19. On her first birthday I created a memory book and and guests at her party contributed to a time capsule. I’m still getting some friends and relatives to sign the book now- so one day we can look back at the kind words from loved ones and what was going on in the year that she was born.
Look after yourself
20. I occasionally try to take some ‘me time’ (which is sadly usually spent in hospital!) … you couldn’t do a full time job well without the occasional holiday or break- parenting is the same. You need to look after yourself to have the energy to be the best parent you can be. Be kind to yourself! (Plus the cuddles after not seeing your little one even for only a short while are just so lovely!)
21. I write this blog (mummygoeswhereflogoes!), I write notes on my phone and I occasionally write a diary too! I like to record key memories, I like having physical reminders of events and hope that Florence will look back and know how much these moments meant to me.
How are you making the most of special moments? How are you treasuring the precious steps of your little one growing up?
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A Reflection and Hopes for the Future
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We did a time capsule too! It's a great idea for babies as they grow older to know who loved them when they were such tiny bundles ❤
A Reflection and Hopes for the Future - Mummykind
[…] They Aren’t Little for Long – 21 Ways to Treasure Lovely Moments […]
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