Tag: parenting
Is Santa Claus Damaging Children’s Mental Health?
Now we are drawing closer to the festive season I am seeing more and more early birds on social media with their Christmas shopping already sorted. They have stacks and stacks of toys for their children and are posing questions like “Is this enough for my ___ year old?” and “How much of this should be from Santa?”. I think it’s amazing that people want their kids to have nice things, and I am pleased that they can afford to do that but honestly? It makes me a little uncomfortable.
What is this thing you call ‘sleep’?
Sleeping through the night… It is that one thing us parents all desire. Yet we still don’t feel refreshed when we finally get it. It quite simply seemed to me that my baby was the one and only child that wasn’t sleeping through the night. Every parent I spoke to was telling me that their […]
10 Amazing Benefits of Babywearing
I thought I would be a good time to talk about the amazing benefits I’ve experienced as a babywearing parent. If you like the sound of any of this then you need to get yourself to your nearest sling library and take a look at the options available. Please ALWAYS make sure you follow the T.I.C.K.S guidelines shown at the bottom of the post.
Mum guilt: I can’t live with or without you
This ode to mum guilt is definitely not a tribute to U2’s famous classic! It’s an honest account how I feel about this whole parenting thing sometimes… okay, more often than not. I recently started university again full-time, and it’s incredibly full on. I barely have time to think about anything that’s not law-related. Except, […]
5 Books to Read With Your Kids Before They Start School
My son is now a bit older and he has started taking some level of interest in books, particularly those with a solid rhyme scheme and a lot of repetition. I’m no expert but I think the anticipation of me repeating a line or phrase that he knows is really exciting and he often squeals with delight when he knows what the next line is.
A Reflection and Hopes for the Future
s my daughter’s 2nd birthday approaches, I’ve found myself reflecting on the last 2 years as a mother. Things I could have done better, times when my daughter made me so proud and times when I felt like giving up.
My ups and downs with baby led weaning
I began giving her finger foods like cucumber sticks and avocado wedges to munch on, but every time she coughed I was convinced she was choking. My partner must have been sick of my overreacting, but I didn’t see it as that at the time. There was nothing melodramatic, I really thought she wasn’t breathing when she clearly was.
Bonding With Baby – Mum Guilt
When you’re pregnant, people try to prepare you for the birth. They tell you about their birth stories, some of which may be more like horror stories to a first time pregnant mum! They ask you your birthing plan. Some even tell you that you won’t sleep properly again, or at least for 18 years… […]
7 Actual Important Things all Pregnant Women Need to Know…
There are so many practical things no body ever told me when I was pregnant and I never even thought to ask – You don’t know what you don’t know, right?