Moving house with a little one? Here’s 5 top tips to keep your sanity
It’s all go here in the Piper household as we’re just about to move house. Given that this is our third house move in 2 years, you’d think we’d be seasoned veterans by now, but moving with our little one is SO much harder. She needs constant attention, which makes getting the packing done much more time consuming, and I constantly feel like there’s something huge I’m forgetting! With that in mind, I’ve come up with 5 top tips to stop you pulling your hair out on move in day.
1 – Get some help
By this I mean childcare, whether that is letting Grandma look after Little One for the day, or having an extra family member/friend/extra pair of hands around to look after them in your new home. The first is preferable, as it can be dangerous for little ones to be underfoot with big boxes being moved about. If you have to have your little one in your new place while you’re moving, try and keep them away from all the action – it’s safer for everyone, and you’ll be so busy getting boxes and furniture in to your new place and directing people as to where you want them to put things down, it will be so much harder if your baby is on you like a limpet all day.
2 – Make a box of necessities
Pack a box of all the things you are likely to need for your baby in the next day or two. Things to remember include:
- Nappies, wipes and wash things
- Clean clothes
- Toys
- Bottles (if formula fed) and food if baby is old enough
- Any security items, like a dummy or favourite teddy
Mark this box as important and make sure it is one of the first things delivered to your new home. You’ll be grateful later down the line that everything you need for baby is in one easy to find place.
3 – Unpack baby’s room first
Make unpacking your child’s bedroom a priority to give them a better sense of security in a new place. Having your little one’s room ready first gives you a safe place to let them play while your’e unpacking, a comfortable and familiar place for them to nap and sleep, and peace of mind for you that at least one room is done – you can keep unpacking while baby has gone to bed!
4 – Stick to baby’s schedule as much as you can
Move in day isn’t just stressful for you, it’s stressful for your little one too. The difference is that you know exactly what is happening, but your little one doesn’t. Moving house can be especially stressful for toddlers who often feel the loss of a safe environment. You can read more about helping your little one through this transition here. Try your best to keep meal times and nap times to your usual schedule. This will be easier if you’ve followed tip 3 and have baby’s bed ready!
5 – Take a breath
Moving is stressful. Psychologically, it is only outranked by loss of family members, and is rated more stressful than divorce and loss of employment. Moving house can be a huge upheaval, which is all the more reason why it’s so important to just take a breather. Make everyone stop working so you can all eat together, or ask a friend to put the kettle on.
You’ve got this mama.
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Karen Dennis
I moved once when my youngest was still a baby, could have done with your tips then#pocolo@_karendennis
Sarah Barber
Thanks for commenting!
Fab tips! We moved house with two little ones this time last year and it was a little crazy to say the least! :)Thanks for sharing with #MMBC. x
Stephanie Robinson
Hope the move went well – can't imagine what it's like moving with a little one, moving with a husband is bad enough!! Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo